
1. A village on the slopes of Mount Piramagrun; 2. Zewiya: A village near Saqqez where many ancient remains of the Median period have been found.


1. Like fire; 2. Referring to the worshiper of fire; 3. The image of fire (or similar to fire); 4. Something that has come out of fire.


A village in the Sardasht region of East Kurdistan.


A city ruled by the Mades and it seems to have been the same city of Daryas, near the village of Dryaz, in Sharweran near Mahabad, where its remains are there. See (Aar) in the boys' names.


The name of a Kurdish woman who played the Daff in ancient times; Daff is an old instrument and to prove that it is an ancient Kurdish instrument, there are some stone statues have been found in the Ilam and Kermashan regions that show the daff player, which is evidence to prove the claim; The name of the daff was originally Dap, which meant an arched and circular wood or board. The word Daff is derived from this woman's name, which was Dafa.


The line between two lands, border.


It is a seven-colored flower.


1. An aromatic fruit in the shape of a melon but small, with dots, and stripes; 2. A Kurdish song.


1. Road guards; 2. The traveler; 3. The name of a village in South Kurdistan.

Nozhin/ Nojin

A new life, revival.

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