Negative Effects of Technology on Children

Kaziwa Rashi

Most kids nowadays spend most of their time with technology, and most of it alone, so they have little time to communicate and interact with family members and other people.

If a child has little social skills, when they grow up, their social relationships with people will be weakened, which will damage their life and career.

The most common technologies used by children consist of “video games, smartphones, television, computers, tablets, the Internet, social networks, chat applications, counting devices” and more.

Technology plays a big role in changing the way children are educated

Nowadays, kids use technology at a much higher rate than they did in the 1990s. Most technology companies have produced many electronic devices for children that have attracted a large number of children.

Families must understand that today's children do not have a desire for “Malabajena, Chawsharken, Halmaqoin, Serska, and Qucha” (some games children used to play in the past) which were once enjoyable for them and are now a sacred memory for them.

The most enjoyable games of the current generation are PlayStation, Rollbox, Overcooked, Minecraft, Angry Bird, and many others, and finally, they become their memories.

The most obvious problems faced by children due to excessive use of technology

1. Excessive use of technology by children prevents children from learning feelings and love for their surroundings. The era we live in is an era of technology and development. Families should not be less knowledgeable and inexperienced in the rapid development of technology because parents' ignorance of technology reduces your role as a parent.

The person who spends most of their time with the child should not be a soulless machine devoid of all the affection that the child needs; This often causes children to assess their parents' cognitive and scientific levels by asking questions about these devices. In other words, a child’s question is meant to test adults, not to learn and understand.

2. Excessive use of technology makes children become isolated, avoid their surroundings, and want to spend as much time with technology and smart devices, which affects social relationships and makes the relationship weak because the child's desire decreases to join the surroundings.

3. Excessive use of technology makes children not like to be intimate with each other and avoid going out and playing in the neighborhoods and streets. The Internet and video games have become a habit for most children and the majority of children are victims and harmed by their control of the Internet. Others are addicted to video games that leave them with no time to socialize with other children, resulting in increased problems of loneliness and boredom among children.

4. Spending time in front of a screen can lead to obesity in children. Children who spend a lot of time using technology will have less time to move and exercise. These children eat a lot of fast foods such as sandwiches, pizza, and burgers, which leads to obesity.

Obesity also causes diseases such as heart failure, depression, and diabetes, which are very difficult to deal with if it affects our children.

How can parents keep their children from overusing technology?

Parents should spend time playing with their children to keep them from watching TV and playing video games throughout the day. One of the main reasons why children spend a lot of time with technology is that parents are busy. Parents should not hesitate to take children “swimming, playing tennis, soccer, and walks with them in the parks” as well as playing with their pets and riding bikes with them.

Also, physical competitions at home keep them active and happy and train them to do household chores so they don't always have to wait for their mothers to do their work.

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