The Critical State of Youth Mental Health in Iran and the East Part of Kurdistan

Roj Qaderi

Mental Health

The concept of mental health is a reflection of a variety of dimensions including "the emotional, psychological and social security", in a way that we can say it affects the way we think, feel, and react to life events, stress management, how we communicate with people and our decision making. Therefore, mental health is significant at every stage of life, from childhood to adulthood and old age. In this article, we will discuss the mental health of the youth in Iran and the eastern part of Kurdistan and its important consequences.

The head of Iran's psychiatry council had said: "About 30 percent of Iranian young people are dealing with mental health issues and this does not mean that the rest of 70 percent of them have a good mental health condition." Although none of the statistics that are published by Iran and the Islamic Republic of Iran's organizations can be trusted in any field, at the same time this number that has been mentioned means a crisis.

A study in Iran has found that the most common mental illness among young people is depression. The issue of depression among young people is of great importance as it is the infrastructure of many other problems in the mental, behavioral, and social fields.

According to the same study, the share of young people with depression reaches 3.1 percent. Other youth mental health issues in Iran are: "Aggression 2.9%, paranoids 2.7%, obsession 2.4%, sensitivity in mutual relationships 1.9%, distress 2.1%, and fear 1%". There is no meaningful difference between girls' and boys' issues in this study, but girls are more likely to suffer from depression than boys and boys suffer from paranoid more than girls.

According to statistics, the second most common disease in Iran after heart and nerve diseases is mental health issues and economic and social conditions have a major impact on the development of mental illnesses.

Socialists believe that the development of anxiety, depression, isolation, aggression, and antisocial behaviors in most cases stem from social problems.

Mandatory social and economic conditions to make individuals stay in a pre-designed ideological cliché is one of the most significant reasons for the deterioration of individuals' mental health balance. For instance, most Iranian girls and women must have hijabs out of their homes and follow the mandatory laws while following this law does not mean they have accepted it thus they live in an obligatory situation.

Youth Suicide in Iran and the East Part of Kurdistan

If mental health issues are very severe, they can result in consequences such as suicide. The official statistics in Iran show that the suicide rate among young people has increased. According to these statistics, those who commit suicide are younger using strange methods of suicide! Those methods used by the youth have become a new concern for the social groups.!

But why do young people who have just begun their lives want to end it?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "suicide is the 13th leading cause of death in the 15 to 34 age group worldwide. Every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide in the world. However, the age of committing suicide in Iran has dropped to primary and secondary students."

Regarding the causes of suicide among young people in Iran and the East part of Kurdistan, we can point out these cases: "diseases and complications related to mental health issues, anxiety and depression, genetic changes, pubertal crises, hormonal changes, physical illnesses and excessive pain, lack of self-confidence, hopelessness, crisis of identity and self-knowledge, etc."

One of the most important reasons for suicide among young people and teenagers is the fundamental social problems and lack of a hopeful vision for the future. In Iran and Kurdistan under the Islamic Republic's domination, millions of young people do not have the slightest hope for their future and their job opportunities. They have lost all kinds of freedom on the other hand and a mandatory ideology has been imposed on them, so, the rise in suicide rates in such countries is not far from expected.

Every day 300 young people and teenagers in Iran and the East part of Kurdistan get drugs

The Youth Organization of Iran released shocking statistics on the state of addiction to narcotics and stated that one million people in Iran under the age of 19 are addicted to narcotics and the age of addiction has reached 13 years of age.

According to the latest research, the rate of youths' addiction to two highly dangerous substances "crack and glass drug" is increasing alarmingly. Social problems lead to mental health issues and mental health issues cause suicide and addiction to drugs but shortly the main reason for the rise of all these problems in Iran and the East part of Kurdistan is the domination of the Islamic Republic of Iran for more than 40 years that has affected all fields of people's lives negatively. We can also say that both in this and other fields, the situation of the East part of Kurdistan is much worse and more critical than the central provinces of Iran. 

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