A Glance Over the Relationship Between Environment and Politics

Rojan Sofizadeh

Perhaps the environment and activities that are related to it would be limited to collecting garbage from an area or treating an injured animal; some unpolitical activities that not only accomplish them are not harmful but also a good deed! Some people see the environment as limited to such activities and they insist on doing these activities sincerely.

Such a viewpoint and such activities in a place where interfering in political issues can have life-threatening consequences (like Iran), may be a safe margin for some environmentalists; however, it will vaccinate the politicians and those who are truly responsible! They will be immune to continue their anti-environmental activities freely. Calling the environment, a non-political vaccination will also immune the politicians against the environmental requests.

On a larger scale, the place that decides for the vast areas makes the environmental issues a complete political matter. Politicians generally make some decisions that are apparently in favor of enhancing people's life conditions but in fact, are about their own profit which will be paid off by the environmental sources and people's money.

The harmonious collective decision to protect the Earth dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. In Britain, after many years of efforts, the "Plumage League" which was later called the " Royal Society for Protection of Birds" forced many powerful figures to believe in its goal and they could pass this law that would prevent using birds' feathers to be used in fashion. On a more detailed scale, this society's efforts were to protect birds. However, on a more general scale, this law could not pass if the politicians did not interfere and played a role in it.

At the same time as this was happening in Britain, an environmentalist called "John Muir" from California established the Sierra Club. From that time on, this club forces politicians to pass laws in various fields related to the environment to decrease the threats to the environment. Without powerful laws and responsible management of these activities, protecting the environment will not exceed planting trees together in groups or treating injured animals and collecting garbage.

During the past fifty years, global efforts have been made to develop the environmental condition. In most of these efforts, politicians have participated. The international Global Climate Change Agreement in Paris is one of these efforts. Some of the countries like India, Saudi Arabia, and China did not agree with some points of this agreement. "Barak Obama" the former President of the US signed this agreement; however, "Donald Trump" withdrew from the Paris agreement. Can we call this story something other than political issues?

The ministry or head of the environment committee in the political cabin of the government also proves that this is a political issue. Most of the decisions that the government makes about the development of their countries affect the environment. Those viewpoints that limit environmental preservation to collecting garbage from nature, leave the decision makers free to fulfill their destructive projects on nature.

Continuing the destructive projects and using the environment limitlessly, in the long run, will change this matter from a political issue to a security matter. This has happened in Iran. The problem of providing water has been one of the most controversial matters during the past decades which has turned into a security matter now.

In Iran, politics penetrated the matter of the environment from the very first days of environmentalist activities and has proved to be more prominent nowadays. Instead of denying the political aspect of protecting the environment on a large scale and decision-making aspects, we must accept it and think of a solution for making our environmentalists and politicians learn that in order to make better days to come, they need to continue their efforts.

  Without powerful political help in the field of environment that could pass suitable laws, the environmentalists' efforts for keeping nature clean and collecting garbage or treating injured animals will not expand more. The ecological features of the ecosystem will grow weaker gradually and all kinds of disasters such as sand thunders, and even unemployment will happen to people. Recognizing the environment as a political issue will pave the way for environmentalists to expand their activities with stronger effects.

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