Making a Robotic Brain in Italy with the Help of a Kurdish Expert Woman

Vian Khishkar

A Kurdish expert from the Kurdistan Region in Italy is one of the researchers who is working on developing a robotic brain or digital brain for curing diseases.

Dr. Pawan Fars Dizayi was born in 1985 in Hawler (Erbil) in the Southern part of Kurdistan. He received his doctoral dissertation in Blood Physiology from Salahaddin University in Hawler and began her work as a Kurdish researcher at "Pavia" University in Italy on robotic brains.

Dr. Pawan has been working on making a robotic brain for almost ten years now. In a press conference, she said that their project aims to develop a robotic brain like a human's brain in order to provide remedies and treatments in the fastest way possible.

Dr. Pawan says that several different countries are involved in this project. This project will be presented to many countries such as the Kurdistan Region so that the doctors could rely on the intelligence of this artificial device instead of testing the effects of medicine on the patients in the future.

In a press conference, Dr. Pawan Dizayi said: "I am happy to be a part of this project as a Kurdish expert along with foreign experts working in detail on this global project on artificial intelligence for developing health conditions." She also emphasized that Kurdish experts, compared to foreign experts, face more obstacles but they are more hardworking thus, she believes that in the Kurdistan Region, the experts must be provided with the necessary equipment.

What is the robotic brain that teaches the robots everything?

The robotic brain is a new computing system called "Robo Brain", downloading many sources from the internet, processing them, and when other robots need information, it provides them with the necessary information.

The experts in "Cornel, Standford, Brown, and California" Universities claim that "Robotic Brain" can process images in order to know things and link the images to videos and texts to learn new things and apply them, it also learns human's languages and behavior.

The experts in this field now like to use robotic brains in various fields. For example, in the pharmaceutical field, medical treatments, self-driving cars, scientific research, and some other fields.

Right now, "Tesla" company is occupied with making robots, and two years ago "Ilun Musk," said that "Tesla" is making them. From the beginning of 2023, this company has made a new robot named "Optimus" that has amazing abilities. After almost 10 months, the second generation of "Optimus" was introduced which could behave like a human very intelligently.

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