A Kurdish Doctor Invents an Artificial Heart

A Kurdish doctor living in Sweden has made a great invention in the field of making an artificial heart. Dr. Azad Najar from South part of Kurdistan has produced an artificial heart for the first time, which has attracted the attention of the Swedish government, the people of that country, and most scientific and medical centers. Dr. Azad has been able to create 13 artificial hearts, which was a great and influential invention in the region and caused the focus on this Kurdish doctor and his invention.

At the same time, Dr. Azad has the idea of making a catheter, which is now used in most European countries. The invention he has done in making an artificial heart has made Swedes and humanity wait for this great invention and project Medicine and treatment of most heart diseases, a revolution for failed hearts and hope for life. Heart failure can no longer take the lives of so many people in the world.

In an interview, Dr. Azad Najar revealed information about his work and projects in the field of making artificial hearts and said: So far, I have made 13 artificial hearts and the project is constantly being developed. The Swedish prime minister and a number of his government ministers have visited us in recent days.

Dr. Azad Najar said about his family: I grew up in a Kurdish family and my father was a political figure and worked and always encouraged us to hold on to our national language and culture.

“My father, Ibrahim Najar, is 93 years old. He has a doctorate in Kurdish and has written seven books on language."

Example of an artificial heart

Dr. Azad Najar specializes in urology and owns an artificial heart project. If developed, it would save the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world and give them hope. The Kurdish doctor has previously tested the artificial heart on dozens of animals and they are still alive. His project is now in the final stage and he has tested the artificial heart on the human body for the first time.

Dr. Azad Najar is known as a Kurdish-Swedish inventor and has been working on this project for more than 16 years. The Swedish government and several companies are supporting his project and Swedes are proud of the Kurdish doctor and inventor is expected to be one of the strongest candidates for next year's Nobel Prize.

The Najar's dreams do not end with an artificial heart.

He wants to learn more about the function and physiology of the natural heart in order to help patients in different ways and with the right artificial heart.

He continues, “Using the artificial heart as a tool, to understand how our natural heart really works, is a great thing for our ongoing project, and it is more important than the artificial heart project. It will add more value to our artificial heart project. It is possible to revolutionize human health after completion and after achieving good results. It will lead us to a different understanding of how the heart works, which will be different from what scientists have come to."

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