
In ancient times, from the Medes era to the Sassanids era, the cities of Zakho, Duhok, and Akre! were called. See the word "Ad".


The name of a harp player during the reign of Khosrow Parviz Sassanid.


A Kurdish city in North Kurdistan, See the word Ad.


1. Work and effort; 2. This word is an old word in North Kurdistan and is used for work and effort, but later replaced the word “struggle” in political literature.


The name of one of the Median kings that was called Mandax by the Greeks.


New, mode.


Observer, nurse.


Kind, caring, sympathetic.


Passenger, traveler.


The name of a Kurdish woman who played the Daff in ancient times; Daff is an old instrument and to prove that it is an ancient Kurdish instrument, there are some stone statues have been found in the Ilam and Kermashan regions that show the daff player, which is evidence to prove the claim; The name of the daff was originally Dap, which meant an arched and circular wood or board. The word Daff is derived from this woman's name, which was Dafa.

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