Vajan/ Vazhan

Heat, warmth.


He was a Median commander who was in charge of a pedestrian army in Cyrus Achaemenid.


1. Eyesight; 2. Power; 3. Strength and ability; 4. To rescue, to help; 5. Hope and wish.


1. Measurement, a weight equal to 16.5 kg; 2. A village between Chewtashan and Aliawa in the Kamyaran region of East Kurdistan; 3. It is a town in Diyarbakir province.


1. An iron with which guns are made, a kind of metal stronger than iron; 2. It is the surname of the Janpola tribe in Lebanon, which ruled Aleppo for many years and had independent institutions, but the Syrian government called them Junbalat. Kamal Junbalat belongs to this tribe and now lives in the mountains of Lebanon.


Nice and pleasant voice.


It is derived from the word Dahen (inventor), meaning: innovator.


Laugh, smile.


1. Indestructible, eternal; 2. In Hawrami Man: means family and place, such as Hawraman: means the family or dynasty of the Ahura Mazda; 3. In the Gathas of Zoroaster, which is written in the Kalhuri, Hawrami, Jafi, and Snai dialects, Mana or Manay, signifies Lord and God; 4. Manay is the name of a resort in Hawraman.


1. Hawk, a hunting bird with beautiful eyes; 2. A kind of tree.

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