
Cute, beautiful, and nice.


Nice and clean place, pleasant.


1. Crested pigeon; 2. The one who pins flowers on her head.




A Kurdish city in North Kurdistan, See the word Ad.


Literate, the person who finished studies.


A fertile and fruitful land.


City of snakes (Mar in Kurdish), Marwan, Mariwan; Marwan is the old name of the city of Mariwan. Mariwan has too many snakes. There was a small village called Tazade in the south of Mariwan that was burned down by people because of snakes. In spring, the area around Zrewar is like a city of snakes. Everywhere is full of snakes. The elderly people of Mariwan say that it was because of the many snakes that this city was first called Marwan, and then Mariwan. On the road from Marivan to Sna (Sanandaj), there was a bridge called Kalekawa that crossed the village of Tarkhanawa. There was full of snakes. There were a couple of villages near Zrebar, where snakes were on the roofs of the houses. They evacuated and burned them too.


Oregano, an edible plant.


It is derived from the word Mad (Medes), meaning little Mad. The letter (ۆ) at the end of a word in Kurdish means to make it little because of loving it. Such as Jamal: Jamo, or Hassan: Hasso.

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