
Feast; part of the larger part of the Avesta, the prophet Zoroaster's collection of religious hymns.


The thorny rose from which can get rosewater from it.


The owner of the black horse.


Grapes cluster.


1. Khunav, dew; 2. Very soft rain; 3. The water of Shorba and Qawrma (food).

Qaraw/ Gharaw



A plant that grows in the mountains.


It is the name of a series of hills near Kirkuk, South Kurdistan.


Yerevan is the capital of Armenia, but there are many Kurds living there and they have given this name to their children. This name has reached the Kurds in other parts of the country.


Aphrodite, Venus, was the Greek goddess of love and beauty; The Romans called Aphrodite Venus, and Venus is the first statue to be represented naked; The Greek poet Hazbud wrote poetry about Venus; Aphrodite was not only unique in beauty but also had the power to seduce and attract those who were attracted to her, and she attracted Paris, the son of the king of Tarwa. The most valuable statue of Aphrodite (Venus) is the artificial Praxitel, now in the Vatican, another famous statue carved by Methuselah in Paris, and two other statues of Venus in Rome and Florence.

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