
1. The greatest of all; 2. Leader; 3. Title of the ever-living martyr of Kurdistan, Peshawa Qazi Mohammad.


1. To rise; 2. Uprising.


1. The goddess of the hunt; 2. The goddess of the moon; 3. The daughter of the Gutian chieftain, Othanus, who was known as the god of beauty and was the wife of Khashayar Shah, king of Media. See (Aar) in the boys' names.


1. Supporter; 2. Lawyer; 3. The castle guard.


Khanzad was the daughter of the Emir of Soran, who was known as Pasha Kora. Khanzad was a tall girl with black hair that fell over her shoulders and a beautiful and chaste girl. After the death of her brother Sulaiman Bاg, she became the Emir of Soran and took over the rule of the Soran region. Khanzad was a just and patriotic emir who worked for the reconstruction of the country and education. During her reign, many mosques, buildings, and baths were built.

Nozhin/ Nojin

A new life, revival.


It is derived from the word Mad (Medes), meaning little Mad. The letter (ۆ) at the end of a word in Kurdish means to make it little because of loving it. Such as Jamal: Jamo, or Hassan: Hasso.


1. The name of the ruler of the ancient Kurdish tribe (Lolo) who was from Babylon; 2. It was the surname of the chief of the tribe "Nasiko" in 881 AD. See the word "Ad".





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