Qandil/ Ghandil

1. Snow, icicle; 2. Lampstand, a lamp hanging from the ceiling.


1. Love; 2. Love and affection; 3. The name of the girl in the novel (Martyrs of Dmdm Castle).


1. A kind of small red pearl; 2. The fruit of a thorny red tree grows six yards tall and produces yellow round flowers. It has small red sweet fruit like oleaster, which is edible and used as medicine too.


1. An iron with which guns are made, a kind of metal stronger than iron; 2. It is the surname of the Janpola tribe in Lebanon, which ruled Aleppo for many years and had independent institutions, but the Syrian government called them Junbalat. Kamal Junbalat belongs to this tribe and now lives in the mountains of Lebanon.


1. A flowing river; The name of a river in East Kurdistan that originates in three places and flows into the Darbandikhan dam in south Kurdistan.


A mixture of snow and rain together.


Handsome boy.


Strong winds, tornadoes, storms.


In Avestan, Atar; in Pahlavi, Ator and Atakhsh; this word is derived from the word Atropatin or Old Azerbaijani. During the Median period, the land of Mukrian (present time Mahabad) was called Small Media and then Atropatin or Atropategan or Azerbaijan, which is called Mukriyan today.


Earring pendants, a type of jewelry.

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