
1. Livelihood; 2. Organization and formation of wealth and finances.


1. The branch of a river; 2. Clean, smooth, and slim stones that children play with on the banks of the river.


Paradise, an ancient Medi-Avestan word.


1. Brave; 2. chivalric.

Qumri/ Ghumri

1. A wild bird similar to Pigeon, slightly smaller than a pigeon, can be hunted and eaten, with blue wings and a black semicircle behind its neck; 2. A kind of leafless cabbage.


A very fragrant herb.


1. In the old Pahlawi language (Kalhuri) means: help, cooperation, and people; 2. The name of a spring in the Swesnati region in East Kurdistan.


1. Home, family; 2. It was a center and tribe between Sharazur and Ardalan, which still has remains.


1. A kind of small red pearl; 2. The fruit of a thorny red tree grows six yards tall and produces yellow round flowers. It has small red sweet fruit like oleaster, which is edible and used as medicine too.


The name of a spring in the Great Awyar in Sna.

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