
1. An old Kurdish name meaning partridge; 2. The name of a town in North Kurdistan on the road from Sewas to Erzinjan; 3. The names of Sarah and Zara are the same and the Arabs have changed the word Zara to Sarah; 4. Sara or Zara is also the name of a mountain in the Sulaimani region near the Azhdahak Mountain, located between the city of Dukan and the town of Surdash.


Adarok, a flower that blooms in early spring.


According to the inscription of Bestun Mountain, it is the name of the Kurdish chieftain from Ilam who rebelled against Darius.


1. An oil land; 2. A village near Mawat in South Kurdistan.


Little and cute Fatm, Fatile, Fata, Fate, Fatmoke, Fatm, Fatme, are all derived from the name Fatima and have changed according to the dialect; The name of several Kurdish songs.



Rojgar/ Rozhgar

Time, from day to night.


1. The branch of a river; 2. Clean, smooth, and slim stones that children play with on the banks of the river.


Golden, made of gold.


A mountain range that is behind the city of Slopi in North Kurdistan and faces the city of Zakho in South Kurdistan; Joudi, originally Guti, is an ancient Kurdish tribe that the Arabs called Joudi. It is the mountain on which Noah's ship anchored and is mentioned in the Torah.

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