
1. Mad, Media, the name of the Median state; 2. The place where the Medes lived; The Medes were of Indo-European descent and moved from the eastern Caspian Sea to the northwestern mountains of Iran in the ninth century BC. They gradually gained control over their neighbors by the end of the eighth century BC, established an independent government, and subjugated the Persian nation with the present city of Hagmatana or Hakmtan (Ecbatana) as their capital, but were defeated by Cyrus the Achaemenid in 550 BC. The word Mad later became May during the Sassanid period and then the Arabs changed it to Mah.


In Kurmanji dialect means light.


Pomegranate, a fruit that is good for purifying the blood and is abundant in cold and mountainous areas of Kurdistan. The roots are used for medicine and the bark for dye; Hawraman and Sharaban pomegranates are famous; It is also common in Kurdish songs and refers to the women's breast.


1. A spring or flowing water; 2. A lake between Khamtir and Kira in the Zakho region.


It is an area northwest of Diyarbakir, North Kurdistan.


1. Lord, gracious; 2. A generous person.


Small tribes, small nests of birds.


1. Deer, black-eared goat; 2. The name of the girl in a verse in (Las and Khazal) poem.


Little sister.


Beloved, dear.

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