
A flower that has not yet bloomed.


Bate, a village between Duhok and Zawita in South Kurdistan.


Smart, fast.


1. The sound of the leaves, the wind, and the trees; 2. Sound of water flows.


It is a seven-colored flower.


1. Holy House; 2. A place of love; 3. Yazidi religious holy place; 4. An old Kurdish town, inhabited by two tribes (Bashik and Bazan), or rebuilt by the two tribes. Bashik is located 25 kilometers east of Mosul, where Kurds, Yazidis, Goran, Shabaks, and some Assyrians live. The city has an old history of being attacked by the Tatars, Mongols, and Ottomans throughout Kurdistan and has been damaged many times. Bashik is a sacred religious place for the Yazidis and contains many ancient shrines dating back to before the birth of Jesus Christ; The fascist Ba'athist regime tried to make it an Arab settlement and changed its name to Baashiqa, but fortunately, because of the US attack on Iraq, it failed and the area fell back to the control of the Kurdish government.


A wise and compassionate human.




Bafll, bavell, babll; 1. waterfall, lake, spring; 2. Bavl is called Pavr in Avesta and means a waterfall.


1. The name of the ruler of the ancient Kurdish tribe (Lolo) who was from Babylon; 2. It was the surname of the chief of the tribe "Nasiko" in 881 AD. See the word "Ad".

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