
1. Indestructible, eternal; 2. In Hawrami Man: means family and place, such as Hawraman: means the family or dynasty of the Ahura Mazda; 3. In the Gathas of Zoroaster, which is written in the Kalhuri, Hawrami, Jafi, and Snai dialects, Mana or Manay, signifies Lord and God; 4. Manay is the name of a resort in Hawraman.

Vajan/ Vazhan

Heat, warmth.


Basil, an aromatic vegetable that is edible and dried for food; A Kurdish song.


The name of a mountain in the Ilam region in south Kurdistan.


A city ruled by the Mades and it seems to have been the same city of Daryas, near the village of Dryaz, in Sharweran near Mahabad, where its remains are there. See (Aar) in the boys' names.


1. A place where there is sumac; 2. The sumac tree; 3. A village in the Balisan Valley in South Kurdistan.


It is a plant that grows in early spring and flowers white with yellow insides. Chamomile flower.


Long ago, ancient, very distant past.


Fence, hedge.


Lighting, shiny.

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