
The name of a spring in the Great Awyar in Sna.


Face, view.


Someone who has a good and comfortable life, happy.


Pomegranate, a fruit that is good for purifying the blood and is abundant in cold and mountainous areas of Kurdistan. The roots are used for medicine and the bark for dye; Hawraman and Sharaban pomegranates are famous; It is also common in Kurdish songs and refers to the women's breast.


1. Rebellious; 2. High and risen; 3. The ancient name of Media in Greek; 4. They are a large ancient Kurdish tribe who are the ancestors of the Lors; 5. A castle and village in the Lorestan region of Bahmanshir in Khorramshahr; 6. The present city of Mardin in North Kurdistan is reminiscent of this tribe.




The word Ad has several meanings: 1. Island, land in water; 2. Strength, power; 3. God of strength and power; 4. In ancient times, it was the name of the god of the wind and became the prefix of many other words in old Kurdish. The letter (d) is often changed to the word (z).


The name of two villages in Iraqi Kurdistan that were destroyed by the Baathists.


A type of carpet and rug.


A mountain with many springs, is a mountain opposite the city of Sna and is a popular resort for people.

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