
Cool summer winds.


The name of a village in Kurdistan.


The name of a flower that grows in spring in most parts of Kurdistan, Daffodil.


1. Dark red; 2. Of the Median root. See Mard; 3. The name of a Kurdish city in North Kurdistan between Diyarbakir and Nusebin, which the Kurds there call Merdin. It was also called Mardun in ancient times; See Mard in the boy's section. The Persian dictionary Dehkhoda says that it is a castle on the mountain of Jazir overlooking Bardanisar, Dara, and Nusebin. Mardin is a Kurdish city located at the foot of Mount Qarjdakh. The heroes and fighters of the Mitan tribe, which was a Kurdish tribe, were called Mariya. Some scholars say that the city of Mardin was the place of this tribe, and the name of this city initially was Mariyadin and was founded before the advent of Islam during the Zoroastrian period. However, the Abbasids attacked and destroyed it in 279 AH. Yaqut al-Hamwi says: Ahmad Ibn Marwan rebuilt this castle in 440 AH after defeating Hamdan Ibn Hamdoun, the ruler of Mardin.


1. Beautiful and charming; 2. Strong.


Small tribes, small nests of birds.


Brave person, beloved.


1. It is one of the four dialects of the Kurdish language; 2. They are part of the Kurds who live between the Great and the Little Zab Rivers in Kurdistan, like Ruandz and its surroundings. Their dialect is called Soran or Central Kurmanji; 3. A vast area in Kurdistan; This name has now replaced the name of the Diyana area.


A group of the great Goran tribe.


Little and cute Fatm, Fatile, Fata, Fate, Fatmoke, Fatm, Fatme, are all derived from the name Fatima and have changed according to the dialect; The name of several Kurdish songs.

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