
A Kurdish tribe in South Kurdistan.

Qars/ Ghars

1. Angry; 2. A city and area in North Kurdistan.


1. The second month of spring in Kurdish; 2. The plural of flowers; 3. A Kurdish area in Israel known as the Gulan Heights; 4. It is a nice stream and garden near Halabja; 5. It is a village located in a valley near Ranya city, which is known as Gulan Valley, and occupies several villages with the following names: Daraban, Bardanga, Nawazinan, Shagala, Medara, Bote, Warte.


It is a high mountain behind the city of Shaqlawa and the town of Sarmaidan in South Kurdistan.


1. Luck; 2. The gem on the ring.


Look, see, watch.

Zhiwar/ Jiwar

.1 Live; 2. Life expectancy; 3. Life quality; 4. It is a village at the foot of Kosalan Mountain on the banks of the Sirwan River, opposite the villages of Slen and Blbar.


The name of a village in Badinan, South Kurdistan.


A village near the Amokan in the Harir Plain in the Shaqlawa region.


A mountain with many springs, is a mountain opposite the city of Sna and is a popular resort for people.

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