
Face, view.

Qandil/ Ghandil

1. Snow, icicle; 2. Lampstand, a lamp hanging from the ceiling.

Nawzhin/ Nawjin

New life, newly started life, new house.


It is called the night when the full moon appears.




A very fragrant herb.


In Kurmanji means nest.


It is a short form for Smayil (Ismail); In Kurdish, the letter O (ۆ) is a suffix for male and means love to little ones, such as Dimo, Jamo, and Smko; Smko is the nickname of Smayil Agha Shkak, who was the chief of the Shkak tribe in East Kurdistan who revolted against the Reza Shah's government in the hope of liberating Kurdistan and fought against the Iranian army. On June 20, 1930, he was shot by Reza Khan's soldiers and was martyred for the liberation of Kurdistan. Smayil Sharifzadeh, who was killed by Reza Pahlavi's soldiers in Darena near Bana city, was called Smko.


Fire, the flame of fire.


It is an area behind Mount Piramagrun near Sulaimani in South Kurdistan.

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