
The thorny rose from which can get rosewater from it.


1. They are the names of a great Kurdish tribe near Zalia Van; 2. The name of a plain in the northern part of the Arjish region in North Kurdistan. See Ziwan.


1. Friend of the people; 2. They are a tribe of the Lor tribe.

Nozhin/ Nojin

A new life, revival.


Lhon, is a Kurdish region and tribe in Hawraman, Kurdistan.


1. Long pearl; 2. The pearl inside the shell; 3. Large and precious pearls; 4. The beloved child of the house, dearest.


It was the name of a Kurdish tribe in the Van region that was exiled to Cyprus by the Ottoman Empire and stayed there. They gradually forgot their language and culture among the Turks and became Turks.


1. A village near Harir in the Shaqlawa region of South Kurdistan; 2. Likely, this name was originally Baytas, from two words (Bayt meaning god and As meaning center), which together meanthe center of the god before Zoroastrianism. See San; See Baytas.


1. Rebellious; 2. High and risen; 3. The ancient name of Media in Greek; 4. They are a large ancient Kurdish tribe who are the ancestors of the Lors; 5. A castle and village in the Lorestan region of Bahmanshir in Khorramshahr; 6. The present city of Mardin in North Kurdistan is reminiscent of this tribe.


Referring to a woman or girl with beautiful red lips.

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