
A Median commander in charge of the infantry of Cyrus the Achaemenid.


1. A yellow fragrant mountain flower; 2. Something that bees get from flowers to make honeycombs.


Khate, miss, a word to respect women.


It is a village on the road from Piranshar to Sardasht near Bibling in East Kurdistan.


An old human, wise and experienced.


1. Eyesight; 2. Power; 3. Strength and ability; 4. To rescue, to help; 5. Hope and wish.


1. Dark huts in the mountains; 2. The name of the daughter of the king of Media and the mother of Cyrus the Achaemenid, who was of the Median tribe; 3. The name of a village in the Barzan region of South Kurdistan.




1. The name of the ruler of the ancient Kurdish tribe (Lolo) who was from Babylon; 2. It was the surname of the chief of the tribe "Nasiko" in 881 AD. See the word "Ad".

Qazwan/ Ghazwan

1. Wild pistachios, the fruit of Wan tree; 2. The tree from which they get gum/resin; Qazwan is used in yogurt and smells good. Qazwan is also used to make rosary beads.

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