
1. Indestructible, eternal; 2. In Hawrami Man: means family and place, such as Hawraman: means the family or dynasty of the Ahura Mazda; 3. In the Gathas of Zoroaster, which is written in the Kalhuri, Hawrami, Jafi, and Snai dialects, Mana or Manay, signifies Lord and God; 4. Manay is the name of a resort in Hawraman.

Rojyar/ Rozhyar

1. Sun; 2. Time.


In Rwandzi dialect means mom, mother.


The plural of color, colorful, beautiful.


1. Work and effort; 2. This word is an old word in North Kurdistan and is used for work and effort, but later replaced the word “struggle” in political literature.


1. Picture; 2. Appearance.


1. She was the daughter of Ardashir II of the Sassanids; 2. The name of one of the Kurdish princesses of Manna in 714 BC.


Half-standing up to show respect.


Hymns, poems, passion.


In ancient times, it was the name of the god of the wind. This name is common among Kurds in West Kurdistan and Lebanon. See the word "Ad".

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