
Adar month in Assyrian, March. See the word "Ad".


Lighting, shiny.


The top of the mountain; Sheikh Mohammed Mardokhi Kurdistani in his book "The History of Kurds and Kurdistan" says: They are a tribe living in the north of Ranya. The Ako or Akoyan tribe is a brave, hospitable, and patriotic tribe.


Strength, power.


1. Lure, balore, a kind of passionate song sung by women at work; 2. Coins of gold.


This is a Madian name and was the name of one of the famous Madians in the pre-Achaemenid period. However, Mohammad Sadiq Mirza says, in his book on Kurds and his plundered History: “Atrodat is a legendary name that the historian Ctesias chose for the father of Cyrus Achaemenid", which his weak point is he received from the written texts of the Persian empire, or from the language of the people heard it.


1. The chief and elder of a tribe or clan; 2. Commander of the army.

Qaraw/ Gharaw



1. The name of a cave in the Bingol region; 2. A spring in the Mariwan region towards Bana Road.


Souvenir, offering, sign.

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