
1. Young boy; 2. Teenage boy; 3. Plural of law (young); In Kurdish, nouns with the suffix (ۆ) are used for calling because of loving them.


Clarity, illumination, light.


1. An iron with which guns are made, a kind of metal stronger than iron; 2. It is the surname of the Janpola tribe in Lebanon, which ruled Aleppo for many years and had independent institutions, but the Syrian government called them Junbalat. Kamal Junbalat belongs to this tribe and now lives in the mountains of Lebanon.


1. The second month of spring in Kurdish; 2. The plural of flowers; 3. A Kurdish area in Israel known as the Gulan Heights; 4. It is a nice stream and garden near Halabja; 5. It is a village located in a valley near Ranya city, which is known as Gulan Valley, and occupies several villages with the following names: Daraban, Bardanga, Nawazinan, Shagala, Medara, Bote, Warte.


1. Work and effort; 2. This word is an old word in North Kurdistan and is used for work and effort, but later replaced the word “struggle” in political literature.


1. Ada is a Hawrami word meaning mother; 2. Great; 3. The giver.


1. An aromatic fruit in the shape of a melon but small, with dots, and stripes; 2. A Kurdish song.


1. Rich; 2. Eye pain medication; 3. A kind of piece; 4. It was a Kurdish city between Mardin and Nusaybin in North Kurdistan; 5. It is the son of Baram, king of Media; 6. The name of the eighth king of Grewara of Kayanis.


A plain east of Erzurum in North Kurdistan.


1. The daylight that shone in the morning from a high place; 2. The pupil of the eye. Unfortunately, some writers miswrite this word and write Gzing, when Gzng is correct.

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