The Old Bazaar of Urmia is the Oldest Market in Kurdistan

Solin Wrme

The city of Urmia in the East part of Kurdistan has dozens of historical and attractive places, one of which is the old Bazaar of Urmia. The Old Bazaar of Urmia is one of the most famous places in Urmia, located in the old neighborhood of the city. Although there are many shopping centers in Urmia, many people still choose the old Bazaar of Urmia for shopping, which shows the historical, spiritual, and cultural value of Urmia with its simple architecture.

The Old Urmia Bazaar is located in the center of Urmia and thousands of people visit it daily for shopping due to its old buildings and different markets. Dozens of domestic and foreign tourists visit this attraction daily for research and sightseeing.

The Old Bazaar of Urmia is located in the city center, next to the Jami Mosque. When it was built, it was not as big as it is today. During the Qajar period, another section was added to the market.

When the Urmia Bazaar was established, villages around the city visited it to buy and order their favorite products. In the past, people often visited the historical Bazaar of Urmia because of the presence of a mosque and a bathhouse next to it.

The area of Urmia Bazaar is about 60,000 square meters and the old structure is currently under maintenance and renovation. There are more than 1,000 different shops, a small caravanserai, a rather large palace, five old bathhouses, and a mosque called Jami.

One of the most important characteristics of the Urmia Bazaar is its simplicity. A large red brick building, dome-shaped architecture, and a high arch are among the beauties of the old Bazaar of Urmia that attract many tourists to this area. The building is built based on the Safavid architectural style. During the Qajar period, the market was expanded and changed. Although the architecture of the market is simple, we cannot ignore its old shape and style.

In the old Bazaar of Urmia, you can find everything from antique goods to jewelry shops, coppersmiths, knife makers, shoemakers, cloth shops, crystal shops, perfume shops, etc., and these have given this bazaar a beautiful appearance.

The beautiful view of the market has attracted many foreign tourists to enjoy the authenticity of the market.

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