Rwar, the Village of Scholars and Science Lovers

Chiro Hawrami

Rwar is another old village in Hawraman Takht, a district of Sawlawa (Sarvabad) city of Sna (Sanandaj) Province. Rwar is a very old village with an old history of 6000 years. This village has great and famous figures who will be mentioned later in the article. According to the latest statistics, the population of this village is about 277 people. Of course, the number has changed now.

Before the construction of the Dariyan Dam, Rwar village was a staircase village at the foot of the Kosalan mountains where the Sirwan River flowed in front of it. However, due to the building Dariyan Dam in 2016, Rwar was flooded and only about 30 houses remained. Later, the villagers rebuilt their houses a short distance away at the foot of the Kosalan Mountains. Unfortunately, due to the dam, the Rwar has lost its old shape and is mostly covered with water.

Rwar is known as the hometown of scholars and science lovers. During the reign of Ahmad San, this village was the cultural and literary center of the region for a long time. According to stories and narratives, Ahmed San established a system in a modern way that made Rwar a cultural center. According to the narrative and what we have heard, Ahmed San had a building with different floors, each floor was dedicated to something. For instance, the first floor contained weapons and arsenal, the second floor was a library and a place for documents, and the third floor was his residence. Unfortunately, we all know that throughout history there have been conflicts between the authorities and the emir and nobles of Kurdistan, and sometimes they were not united. Therefore, during the reign of Ahmad San, Aziz Khan, the father of Mahmud Khan Dizli, agreed with the Qajars and attacked and captured this building. This was the first time in history that the political and cultural center was captured and destroyed.

Many great teachers have taught at this center and Ahmad San has paid great attention to Kurdish literature and culture. Another important and famous figure of this village is Mullah Khidr Rwar.

Mullah Khidr Rwar was a great Kurdish poet and author of several books. Mullah Hassan was born in 1725 in Rwar, passed away in 1790, and was buried there.

Rwar is famous for its pomegranates and figs. Many of the villagers are engaged in gardening and growing various fruits, but mostly pomegranates and figs because the climate is very suitable for pomegranate and fig production. Rwar's pomegranates and figs are exported to other villages and cities in the east every year, which is a good source of income for the villagers. However, 250 gardens were flooded due to the dam, which caused significant economic losses to the villagers and gardeners. Although the people later built new gardens with the construction of new houses, they did not earn as much as they used to because the gardens were now new.

Apart from horticulture, agriculture is also given special importance in Rwar because the Sirwan River is next to the village, which has become a good source of water for agriculture. After the construction of the dam, the transportation of materials from Rwar to villages across the water such as Slen and Naw will be carried out by motor boats.

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