Dizli Village, Hawraman's Gate

Chiro Hawrami

Dizli is one of the Hawraman region villages facing the Dalani, Qalabrousk, and Millakhura mountains. This village is a part of Sawlawa (Salawat Abad) city in the Sna Province and it is located 35 kilometers from Sawlawa and 130 Kilometers from Sna. Dizli is 1400 meters above sea level. This place is located among several castles that include "The Mithra castle, Pirsing, Banabarz, and Gawran castles".

This village has a mountainous climate, getting warm during Summer and cold during Winter. Dizli is one of the touristic villages, especially during Fall and Winter when the whole region is covered with snow. Dizli possesses a beautiful nature with several springs and rivers flowing here. There are various kinds of herbs and edible plants in the high mountains of this village.

There is a famous area in Dizli that is a popular campsite in Hawraman and Marivan called Khayaran. This campsite has a spectacular view and a mild climate; thus, many people visit it daily for picnics.

 According to the latest statistics, Dizli's population is 2700 people but this number has increased now. The people of this village are occupied with farming, keeping livestock, gardening, and making handcrafts.

This village has an ancient history and it is known as Hawraman gate. This village was called "Dizhla" before which means small castle. Later the name changed to Dizli. The village has been destroyed and burned down several times, thus the original location of this village has changed. This village was once burned down by the Muslim Arabs when they began to spread Islam in this region.

Several great figures and wise men are from this village such as "Mullah Hassan Dizli". He was a religious expert and a poet. He wrote poems in Sorani and Hawrami Kurdish dialects and in Persian language, too. Mullah Hassan is considered to be a reformist religious man; this is why Baghdad Wali (governor) offered him high ranks such as being "Baghdad's Mufti" but Mullah Hassan rejected his offer and asked the Wali to let him go to Al Azhar University. Baghdad's Wali accepted his request and sent him to Egypt. Mullah Hassan continued his education in Al Azhar for two years. He was very intelligent so he became a master in Al Azhar and began teaching there for nine years.

Another great figure of Dizli village was "Mahmoud Khan Dizli". This prominent figure played a great role during his life with his national ideology. He was from Hawrami Kurdish clans but he cooperated with the Sorani Kurds, too. He belonged to Naqshbandi religious clans but he helped out the Qaderi religious Sufis. Mahmoud Khan Dizli was against Reza Shah's regime and British colonialism, so he was imprisoned several times. He also supported the revolutions that happened in the Southern part of Kurdistan which we can see in the revolution of "Sheikh Mahmoud Hafid". Mahmoud Khan cooperated with Malik Mahmoud to fight against the British and after Malik Mahmoud was arrested, he helped out Hafid family to come to Marivan and escape the British forces.

Dizli is Hawraman's gate and a famous village, historical place, and tourist destination.

Due to its geographical location, Dizli was a powerful castle of Hawraman during "Alexander's" wars, Mongol invasions, and Islamic Jihads.

One of the special features of this village is the "Twelve Ashabs". According to the beliefs of the villagers, during Islamic Jihads at the beginning, these people reached Kurdistan borders before the other Muslims and they were killed there. They were buried in special tombs and after the people of this region became Muslims themselves they turned these tombs into sacred places.

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