The Environmentalists from the East Part of Kurdistan are Fighting the Fire Burning Zagros Forests

Dear People and Citizens!

From the beginning of this summer, Zagros forests in the East part of Kurdistan have become Kurdistan's environmental enemies' coal mine. On the borders of Marivan, the forests of this region have been burned about 120 times.

We, as the environmental activists of this region, firmly claim that these fires have not happened due to natural causes and most of them have started by suspicious hands. The Islamic Republic of Iran authorities not only have not tried to prevent such catastrophes, but they also have never condemned those who cause such disasters in the environment who are identified by the environment activists and arrested by them.

In the past two weeks and at the time of Jin, Jiyan, Azadi (Woman, Life, Freedom) uprising anniversary, these firing incidents in Marivan have increased greatly, and only on two occasions during these fire incidents about 428 hectares of the forests have burned. In the past month, more than 1000 hectares of these forest lands have burned and the wildlife living in these areas have been burned in the fire.

The only people who are concerned about this environment and try to protect it are the people of Kurdistan and the environmental activists of this region.

In the last fire incident happening in Marivan forests that happened four days ago, the forest areas of Kiyln, Nache, Hanjiran, Mrane, Bayawe, Asnaw, and Koliti villages burned in the fire. As always, the environmental activists of Chiya Sawz NGO in Marivan and the volunteer people of this city have begun their group activities to extinguish the fire.

This time, however, the fire was so vast that it was not possible for these activists' bare hands to extinguish it. Wind blows expanded the fire even more and even those areas that had been burned earlier and got extinguished by these environmental activists once, caught fire again. Thus, the "Chiya Sawz Council of Marivan" asks all the people and other activists of cities in the East part of Kurdistan to rush to their aid in this grand task.

Once again, the citizens of the eastern part of Kurdistan proved their loyalty to Kurdistan and its natural environment by their lives and they proved to be Bajvar and other martyrs of Kurdistan environment protectors' followers. The slogan of "Our Green Idea is Our Leader" has become their leading code. From all around the East part of Kurdistan, volunteer teams of environmental activists have come to Marivan to help Chiya Sawz council members of this city. They have done an epic job full of pride and unity to protect Kurdistan's nature.

With the support of the environmental activists from other cities of Kurdistan and the attempts of Marivan environmental activists unrestingly such as "Salar Azari" who did not sleep or rest for 72 hours straight, once again the fire got extinguished and once again Marivan forests got saved by the great help of Kurdistan nature protectors.

The environmental activist portrait: Salar Azari

Character design: Hemn Qaramani

Kurdshop Organization which is working to preserve all beautiful aspects of Kurdistan from historical monuments to cultural, artistic, and natural aspects of this land, praises these environmental activists' attempts to extinguish the fire so strongly together. We believe that this strong civil energy in the East part of Kurdistan will bring a bright future for our people.

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