Judi Mountain and the Myth of Noah's Ark

Kurdshop- Judi Mountain, also known as Qaradou, Kardo, Kardou, is one of the high mountains in the North part of Kurdistan, located between Shirnax and Silopi town. It is 2144 meters high. The Christians and Muslims believe that Noah's, the prophet, ark landed there after the thunder storm and the flood. According to Botan and Shirnax's Kurdish people, the word Judi consists of two parts, Je and Di or Noah's Ark.

There are many theories on the word Judi. Based on some sources the synonym terms of Qardou, Kardou, and Kardo mean the Kurdish Mountain. Some other sources have defined these terms as Gallantry. In the Sumerian scripts, this word had been used as Goudi, and in the Babylon scripts it had been written as Kurti. In the Arami language, it had been used as Qardou. The Assyrians had used Qardou and Kurd with the same meaning.

Judi Mountain is a part of the Zagros Mountain chains. This mountain is mainly made of limestones and based on the Abrahamian religious believers the famous ark of Noah, the prophet, landed on a mountain. Apparently, Noah's Ark landed on Judi Mountain after the great flood. For this reason, this mountain has been regarded as a sacred place. Many visitors from all around Kurdistan and even foreign countries visit this mountain every year.

However, from 1995 to 2013 due to military operations, visiting this mountain was forbidden by Turkey government. Besides that, Turkish soldiers have set fire to the forests of this mountain without letting anyone extinguish it.

Two researchers, "Austin Henry Layard" and "L. King" found some scripts that belonged to the Assyrians while wandering about Judi Mountain. Based on Islamic beliefs, after the great flood, Noah's Ark landed on Judi Mountain. Some other reports indicate that it landed on Agri Mountain. However, in Quran, it is said that; Noah's Ark landed on Judi Mountain. In Hud’s verse, it is said: And it was said, “O earth! Swallow up your water. And O sky! Withhold ˹your rain˺.” The floodwater receded and the decree was carried out. The Ark rested on Mount Judi, and it was said, “Away with the wrongdoing people!”

  According to the studies done on the holy Quran, Judi Mountain is somewhere near Mosel. But the place that is mentioned in this article is somewhere between Shirnax and Silopi provinces in the North part of Kurdistan. The word Shirnax itself is defined as "Noah's city" and it is an old word. There is also a village at the mountain skirt of Judi named "Heshtan". This village might have been built by Noah the prophet. Based on the same idea, there were 80 people in Noah's Ark and the word "Heshtan" (eighty) seems to be derived from this incident. As mentioned earlier, there are two theories about the mountain on which Noah's Ark landed. The first indicates that it is Judi Mountain and the second mentions Agri Mountain. However, Agri Mountain is not a suitable place for living because it is too high. On the other hand, Judi Mountain is suitable for such an event as landing an Ark on it and the people could have lived there since it is a fine place for living.

Judi Mountain is in a rather dry place but on the high spots of the mountain, a large amount of rainfall and snowfall happens. Thus, there is a forest with Berry and Pine trees 1500 to 2000 meters high above the mountain which is the border of the North and South parts of Kurdistan. There are four mountain peaks on Judi Mountain, the highest one is more than 2000 meters high. There is the sacred zone of Noah, the prophet that is located at 2017 meters height.

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