In the Jolemerg Region of the North part of Kurdistan 200 Species of Birds have been Recorded

Kurdshop - More than 200 species of birds have been identified in Nihel in Gaver, located in Jolamerg province in the North part of Kurdistan, which has abundant water, springs, and meadows and is home to natural resources.

Nihel was declared an area that "passionately should be protected" by a presidential decree in 2019. This area borders Southern and Eastern Kurdistan and is a station for bird species.

After the warming climate and melting snow, the water level of the Nihel has risen dramatically and the number of animal and bird species has increased significantly. The Biological Species Research Center of Jolamerg University and the National Parks and Nature Conservation Administration announced that more than 200 species of birds have been recorded in Nehel so far.

With the arrival of spring, storks, red-billed birds, nawrases, beetles, ducks, and many other fish-eating birds, including geese to this watery area. Some species of birds stay and live in Nihel, while others use it for resting. This is exploited by birdwatchers and photographers and becomes a great attraction for them.

Member of Education, Department of Research and Biological Species, Jolemerg University, Dr. Irkan Azizuglu says, “We have been monitoring the birds in Nihel for a long time. This area is an important place for migratory birds and since 2009 we have worked together with the National Parks and Nature Conservation Department and more than 200 species of birds have been discovered in the area," he said. “Because there is suitable soil in the Nihel environment, many species can survive in its waters. One important species is the goose which chooses this area this season. There are also many bird species that eat fish. In 2009, there were 124 species. However, with our monitoring work, it became apparent the species are increasing every year.” He added that the fires in the area threaten all these species, but as conservation efforts increase, their species will increase.

"All the migratory species choose this area again and the number of bird species has increased significantly during the melting snow season," Azizuglu said. Many species even spend their egg-laying and chick-laying time in the area.

"There are many species that migrate in this area and come back to stay in the area in autumn," Azizuglu said. We can call this area a "bird's paradise" if we evaluate the number of species. This region is one of the most important water resource areas. This area is home not only to birds but also to many animals and wildlife. A place that needs to be protected. Many local and international bird watchers and wildlife enthusiasts show great interest in this purpose since this place is a passage area, in this area, you can see and observe many different species of birds and watch them.

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