# Name Meaning
151 Hana 1. Eyesight; 2. Power; 3. Strength and ability; 4. To rescue, to help; 5. Hope and wish.
152 Hanar Pomegranate, a fruit that is good for purifying the blood and is abundant in cold and mountainous areas of Kurdistan. The roots are used for medicine and the bark for dye; Hawraman and Sharaban pomegranates are famous; It is also common in Kurdish songs and refers to the women's breast.
153 Hane It is a town near Lje town in the Diyarbakir region of North Kurdistan. It is also mentioned in Kurdish songs.
154 Harir 1. Black piece, 2. A town and plain near Batas in South Kurdistan; 3. A food made from flour, dried, cut into pieces, and stored for the winter.
155 Harme 1. Pear; 2. A Kurdish song.
156 Harsham A village in the Balisan region of South Kurdistan.
157 Hasara Star.
158 Hatan Luck.
159 Havin Love.
160 Hawler 1. Very good, great; 2. An ancient Kurdish city in South Kurdistan dating back to 6000 BC; 3. The ancient name of this city (Erbil) which in Syriac means: Arba'ila means: surrounded fortress.
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