# Name Meaning
341 Zhilwan/ Jilwan 1. Fireman, one who deals with fire; 2. A person who raises vineyards and fruit trees: vinedresser, fireman; (Zhil) alone 1. Meaning: movement; 2. Tiny, the opposite of big; 3. Little fire under the ashes; (Wan) is someone caring; (Zhilwan) 1. means fireman; 2. vinedresser; 3. Zhilwan: A mountain overlooking the village of Maluma and opposite the Asngaran mountain and belongs to the Sulaimani region in South Kurdistan. See Zhilamo.
342 Zhinar/ Jinar Someone who revives something.
343 Zhinga/ Jinga Living place, environment.
344 Zhinko/ Jinko The plural of the words Zhin and Zhiyan.
345 Zhino/ Jino 1. Referring to life; 2. A lively and active person.
346 Zhiro/ Jiro Referring to the intelligent person.
347 Zhiwar/ Jiwar .1 Active; 2. Life expectancy; 3. Life quality; 4. It is a village at the foot of Kosalan Mountain on the banks of the Sirwan River, opposite the villages of Slen and Blbar; 5. Civilized life.
348 Zhiwaran 1. A village in the Dersim region of North Kurdistan; 2. Total environment. See Zhiwar.
349 Zhiwaro/ Jiwaro Blooming of plants after rain.
350 Zhiyan/ Jiyan Life.
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