Hani Murtaza
With the arrival of autumn, the cold and rainy weather slowly begins and we all know that the arrival of autumn causes dry skin and spoils the beauty and brightness of the skin. Therefore, we must take the best and most important steps to protect our skin from dryness in autumn.
Dry skin is one of the most common problems during the cold months. As the temperature drops, the humidity in the air decreases, causing skin dryness and irritation. Dry skin can cause cracks and eczema.
Our skincare routine needs to be adjusted because what works for summer may not be appropriate for fall.
Acne in autumn can be recurrent for some people. This is partly due to changes in humidity that can affect skin conditions.
Dietary changes that often occur during this period also affect the skin conditions.
Using too hot water for the skin and washing the skin in autumn should be avoided, as it increases the effects of dryness and cracking of the skin.
How to take care of our skin in autumn
1. Use lukewarm water when washing your face to protect the skin from drying out.
2. If you stopped using retinol over the summer, now is the time to add it back into your skincare routine, especially this season. Often hailed as one of the top champions in the skincare world, retinol is one of the most effective ingredients in modern skincare (alongside SPF protection).
3. Skin cleansing is very important because your skin is exposed to different elements throughout the day. All skin types need morning and evening cleansing. If you have oily skin, you may even cleanse it several times a day. In the evening, we remove the day’s accumulated dirt, including makeup.
4. Many people ignore the use of toner. If you’re not already using one, fall is a great time to start. Toner helps balance the skin's pH and removes impurities. The purpose of a toner is to gently refresh the skin without stripping it of its natural moisture.
5. Use a richer moisturizer. As temperature drops and humidity decreases, our skin needs more intense moisture. The autumn weather is dry and cold, which quickly leads to dry skin. Summer mild moisturizers may not be enough to maintain the moisture balance in your skin in the fall.
6. Use vitamin C, which is an important factor in keeping the skin moist and shiny.
7. Use a moisturizing mask.
8. Eat appropriate foods in autumn that are suitable for the human body and skin and do not cause skin damage such as (lentils, mushroom soup, vegetables, drinking plenty of water ....)
9. Stop smoking cigarettes and shisha that double the damage to the skin in this season.
10. Eat juicy fruits rich in vitamins.
11. Use sunscreen in this season. This may come as a surprise, but sunscreen is a factor that protects the skin from harmful UV rays that cause cracking and weakening of the skin.
Human skin, like the body, is constantly changing. These changes are more reflected in the seasons. Taking care of the skin is very important because it allows you to know when you are not providing everything it needs. Feeling dry skin, increased acne, and sensitivity are all signs to optimize your current skincare routine and it’s time for a change.