Nature is the Medicine for a Healthy Life

Rojan Sofizadeh

Humans and all animals are connected to their environment and have impacts on each other.

With the progress and changes in people's lifestyles, the amount of these effects has increased, sometimes good and sometimes bad.

We humans go on living without any attention and think that nature will remain that way forever, but we are completely wrong.

Global warming, rising ocean levels, the extinction of certain species, and large storms are some of the effects of nature on the environment.

Many doctors and health researchers believe that "nature therapy" or "green medicine" revives the soul and mind besides improving the health of the body, and has an extreme effect on behavior, reducing anxiety, stress, and depression.

Activities such as walking and practicing in nature, in addition to affecting the body's health, are great steps to prevent depression, stress, and negative thoughts.

The peace that nature gives makes the mind more prepared and open. Given the importance of this topic, there is a scientific field called "nature therapy" or "Ecotherapy" that aims to research and work on this topic.

In green medicine, the individual must set aside some time every day for a walk in nature. Researchers have shown that Ecotherapy reduces depression by up to 71 percent.

Researchers at a medical center in the United States, to prevent "diabetes" and "obesity", force children and teenagers to do physical activities in the open space. Given the increased use of computer games, tablets, and mobile phones, diabetes, weight gain, and other metabolic diseases will certainly accompany children in the future. So, Nature Therapy is seriously needed for these children.

Green medicine, in addition to improving digestion, increases children's sense of self-confidence and peace of mind. Bad eyesight, hump in the back, obesity, and violence are the most common symptoms of immobility in children.

Walking in the gentle sunlight in nature is also the best way to provide vitamin D for the body. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of various cancers and diseases such as MS.

On the other hand, research shows that on a typical day when the air is clean, the amount of indoor air pollution is 70 times that of outdoor air. This pollution refers to pollution produced by chemicals from gas and furnace flames.

When we are in a closed space, there is not enough light. On the other hand, we are constantly in front of television monitors, computers, and mobile phones. When we leave home, we are exposed to a wide range of colored light and natural light causes clarity of the eyes.

Research shows that walking in the open space in the gentle sunlight has a positive effect on various hormones, including cortisol and thyroid hormones, and controls the levels of other hormones in the body, in addition to reducing stress and depression, the body's night and day rhythm is balanced.

In short, be a friend of nature to:

- Not gain weight and not be annoyed by obesity.

- Increase your metabolism.

- Improve your thoughts and memories.

- Increase your sense of self-confidence.

- Lighten your skin and stay young.

- Stop threats to your health.

- Stop your bones from being weak.

- Reduce the risk of cancer.

- Prevent blood pressure.

- Prevent diabetes.

- Lower your cholesterol levels.

- Brighten your mind and soul.

- Develop your social relationships in an appropriate and positive way.

Entrust your heart, mind, thought, body, and soul to nature. Its arms are so open that it will offer you gifts that no one else can give.


Breast Cancer Diseases

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