Beneficial Summer Fruits

The summer fruits' features include: they are enriched with beneficial nutrition and vitamins, chemical photochemistry materials, and a large amount of water. These fruits are easily digested; they are very delicious and they are rich in minerals to enhance those minerals in the body.

Since summer and the hot season is here most people enjoy having sweet and healthy food and drinks. In order to keep the body balanced and maintain the sufficient quantity of vitamins needed in the body, it is necessary that people consume the most beneficial fruits in this season to increase the essential vitamins in their bodies.

It is a good idea to consume watery fruits that contain fiber and give the energy to stay healthy in this hot weather.

The features of summer fruits include:

They are enriched in essential materials, vitamins, and photochemistry chemicals.

They are easily digested; they are very delicious and they are rich in minerals to enhance those minerals in the body.

The most popular fruits in the summer that are particularly consumed in Kurdistan in large amounts are:


Eating cantaloupe during summer is very beneficial. It is a popular fruit in the summer; especially it is consumed a lot in Kurdistan. The experts point out that cantaloupes are rich in vitamin C which plays a great role in strengthening the body. Since it is also rich in Calcium, it can be the main factor in building up the bones and teeth and keeping the heart healthy.


This fruit can detoxicate the bladder and keep it healthy. Cherry can destroy those stones that could form in the body. It also decreases the risk of diabetes and can help headaches diminish. Cherry can protect the body from blood lipids and even reduce the extra fat in the body. This fruit is rich in potassium which can be sufficient for the body.

It prevents dried skin. Cherry can help lose weight and it prevents harmful cholesterol plaque in the arteries. This is a very popular fruit in the summer.


Consuming watermelon during summer is very beneficial and it can help the body preserve the necessary amount of water it needs. Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B, and C and a large amount of "lycopene" which is beneficial for the heart and arteries. This fruit contains a lot of edible fiber that causes a sense of being full. Watermelon is very useful for the intestine and liver, too. It is a helpful remedy for hemorrhoids.

Since watermelon is a watery fruit, it can moisturize the skin and keep it young and healthy. It also helps keep the eyes healthy and is very beneficial for those who would like to lose weight because it does not contain any kind of fat. Due to the large amount of water in this fruit, it can be used to help the digestive system and balance blood sugar.


Fig is one of the delicious summer fruits that is really beneficial for health and it protects the body against several kinds of diseases. It also gives the body different types of vitamins. This fruit is rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Due to the potassium and Omega 3 and 6 in fig, this fruit can decrease heart pressure. Consuming 3 figs a day can diminish fatigue and enhance your brain abilities. It also can help with anemia. Since it is rich in Calcium, it can strengthen the bones. 


Grapes are among the most popular summer fruits. There is a large amount of antioxidant in it and it is also a rich source of potassium. If someone suffers from high blood cholesterol or blood sugar, they can add grapes to their diet. Grapes can keep the heart healthy. It also prevents most kinds of viral infections or eye irritations. It helps the internal organs and can be used to prevent breast cancer.

Kiwi Fruit:

Kiwi is one of the fruits consumed during the summer. There are different kinds of vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and B6 and also magnesium, and acid folic in it.


There are some beneficial edible minerals and structures in pineapple such as Vitamin C and Manganese. There are also some enzymes in it that are beneficial for the internal organs. Eating a ripped and fresh or grilled pineapple might enhance the body's immune system and reduce the risk of getting cancer. It also helps skin heal faster after surgery.


This fruit contains a large amount of water which makes it a suitable option for the hot days of summer. Peach is a fruit consumed during summer and it contains so many types of vitamins and a low amount of calories. It helps lose weight because it creates a sense of being full thus, people end up eating less food

Peach can be consumed to decrease blood sugar. In addition, it helps the heart and the arteries stay healthy. It keeps the skin young since it contains vitamins A and C to preserve the elasticity of the skin. It also is very beneficial for the stomach and it kills the intestine worms.


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