Bread in the Kurdish Language and Culture - Part 2

Leila Nourani

Read part 1 here

Nana Khapa

It is a kind of thick and small bread, putting a kind of edible vegetable called Salmoka inside the dough and it is put in Tanour while folded. After being baked, the bread is buttered before eating.

Nana Rifeda

It is a kind of bread that is put into the Tanour using Rifeda and it is taken out before it is completely baked. They soak it in egg and once again put it back inside the Tanour.

Note: Rifeda is an approximately wide and thick piece of equipment made with a flat piece of wood that is covered with thick cloth and fabric. It looks like a big oval and it is used for spreading the dough on it.

Nana Shwana/ Astourka/ Astouka

A kind of short and thick bread eaten after it is buttered.

Nana Shirna

A kind of bread made with dough, Lork (a kind of local dairy), butter, safflower, and black seed.

Nana Shakra/ Nan Shakri/ Nana Shakrina

It is a kind of sweet bread or cake.

Nana Naska/ Naska nan

A kind of bread made with milk and egg.

Ashaban Bread

A kind of bread made on Saj (a tool that is put over the fire to get warm and bake the bread) and it looks like a triangle.

Bazar bread/ City bread/ Foreign bread/ Market bread

1. Any kind of bread baked in the bakery.

2. Food cooked in restaurants and food courts.

Homemade bread/ Kurdish bread

Any kind of bread made with local flour that is made with Tanour or Saj.

Sel bread

A kind of bread baked over Saj or Sel.

Kaki bread

A kind of bread that is made with milk and is baked over Saj.

Millet bread

This kind of bread is made with millet flour. The millet is grilled and then ground and turned into flour.

Wild Pear bread

This sort of bread is made with flour made of wild pear.

Note: the wild pears are dried at first and then ground and mixed with barley.

Lorke bread

A kind of bread that is stuffed with Lork.

(Lork is a kind of local dairy.)

Baharou bread

A kind of bread baked with the flour of a sort of wheat that is harvested in the spring (Baharou).

Milk bread

The flour is mixed with milk and it is very soft. The elderly usually eat this kind of bread.

Tanour bread

The bread is baked inside Tanour. (A hole is dug in the ground and a Tanour which is made of clay is put inside the hole. They make fire inside Tanour and it works like an oven.)

Tiri bread

A kind of bread that its dough is spread out with a rolling pin.

Barley bread

A kind of bread made with barley flour.

Hand-made bread

A kind of bread that its dough is spread using hands only.

Belief: it is believed that bread made with hands is Halal.

Wheat bread

A kind of bread made with wheat flour.

Giant Millet bread

A kind of bread made with Giant Millet flour.

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