Bread in the Kurdish Language and Culture - Part 1


Wheat, millet, and rye flour turned into dough and to be baked in Tanour (Oven like holes in the ground), Saj, or more modern equipment.

To Bake Bread

To make bread.

Tir Ledan

To spread out the dough with a rolling pin.

Nan Pewadan

To stick the spread dough to the Tanour or Saj to be baked.

Nan Choun

When the bread is not properly stuck to the Tanour and falls into the fire or when it is not properly baked due to being too salty or lacking enough amount of salt or perhaps the Tanour is not hot enough.

Nan Dan

1. A farm that is fertile.

2. To be hospitable and host people.

La Nan Bounawa

To finish baking bread.

Hatna Nan

1. To prepare the Tanour for baking bread.

2. When the dough is ready to be made into bread.

Types of Bread

Tir Nan

1. The dough is made with milk and after it is baked, the bread will be covered in butter. They also use black seed (Nigella sativa) on it.

2. The type of bread that its dough is spread by a rolling pin.

Saj/Shlki/Sel Nan

The kind of bread that is made with Saj.

Saj is a kind of metal tray that is put on fire and is used to bake bread.


When the dough is spread by hand not a rolling pin.


It is a kind of dry and delicate cookie made in small sizes.


A kind of bread made in puffy form and small sizes.


A kind of bread mixed with fresh chives and cheese.


A thick kind of bread that is greasy too.


They used to put this kind of bread under brides' chairs so that when a child would pass, the bride could give them a piece of it.


Thick bread with black seed on it. It is made with ordinary dough but it is greasy.


A kind of thick and small bread that is eaten with butter.

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