Eco Educating the Children for a Green Future of Our Land

Sometimes we forget that our children look up to us for their behaviors and manners that might seem normal to us but they pay attention to them and imitate us until they learn that particular behavior! One of these important topics which are going to be discussed in this short commentary is the way we behave towards the environment and nature.

The question of environment in Kurdistan

The question of preserving the environment in Kurdistan is a significant and eminent question for us nowadays and we hear all kinds of news about environmental activities daily. This issue has not been institutionalized in Kurdistan like the developed countries yet and we need to do a lot more than what has been done so far, particularly on educating our children to preserve the natural environment.

Thus, in order to keep our green land safe we must educate our children on how to love nature. Talking to children on this matter would not be enough, but adults need to show their best actions towards the nature and environment.

How can we educate our children to preserve the environment?

Preserving the land and the natural resources and associating with the animals and nature are among those points that are taught to every child from a very young age. These are taught to children at home and at school, society, and via social media they can be reinforced. Teaching about the environment can improve our children’s beliefs and internalize the sense of environment preservation.

It is a good idea to read about animals and their differences to our children. When we buy books for them we should try to choose those books that are about preserving nature and animal life. Every story or animation that is about this topic can have a positive impact on our children greatly. Although try to avoid those books that talk about the decisive nature of some animals because they can have a negative influence on the children’s views and make them keep distance or have a sense of hatred for the animals.

We all remember those cartoon characters we used to watch as kids because we grew up with them. We can encourage our children to make their favorite cartoon characters out of used papers and indirectly teach them that it is very good if we could reuse wasted materials and how useful this act would be for the environment.

“Kindness” can be reinforced through practicing it just like any other human characteristics. Children attempt to imitate their parents after watching their behaviors; they will practice those behaviors in their games. So, it is better to behave more carefully towards these issues. We should teach our children to behave more kindly towards animals and never hurt them.

First, get the children to know birds and other creatures; for example, put a bowl of food out for the birds. This will help our children to do the same.

Games and plays are not only helping the children to be physically active and make them happy but also giving them insight and educating them. Let our children help us in planting a seed in a pot and take care of it. We can also purchase a plant and take care of it so that our children could directly learn how to keep a flower or plant.

On those days that are marked in the calendar as a day to plant a tree or any other suitable day, try to plant a tree or at least every year do this once with them. We can name the trees we plant with our children and visit them now and then to watch them grow.

We should teach them how to use energy resources efficiently and look at them as their future wealth. For example, when you do not watch TV, turn it off and tell them that using up electricity or water ineffectively can have negative effects on our lives and cause serious problems for us.

We should teach our children how to use their painting notebooks and colored pencils. For instance, we should never throw away blank paper sheets and tell them to draw a picture on them. We should emphasize that paper is not a waste. They should also know that it is better to use both sides of the paper, not to sharpen their colored pencils for no reason, and use these tools as long as they can.

The children can make pretty handcrafts out of those parts of their pencils that have been made after sharpening them or making pencil cases out of plastic bottles that can be found in every house. These are also among those steps to preserve the environment.


If children learn how to preserve their environment, they will also learn how to love their country and they will try to become useful people for their society and country.

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