The Meaning of Life and the Importance of Purpose in Life

Rojan Sofizadeh

First of all, we must understand the meaning of life and find meaning for our lives because how we define life, according to the same definition, our identity, personality, beliefs, views, actions, and behavior will be shaped. Someone who believes that life is like a war and must fight to stay alive will naturally experience a complicated life and may have to fight to hold anything even to the point of death.

Someone who believes that life is like a game, it is normal to consider everything as a game and always seek prosperity, fun, and adventure. It is also possible that for many people life has no meaning, that is, life is meaningless to them, and does not consider it necessary to try. Therefore, it is very important to know what life means to us because all our actions and behavior are in line with the definition we have of our lives. Life may have many meanings for you, but you must place a unified meaning above all of them. The most important meaning of life is only one thing: "to live well".

Imagine getting older and being told that you only have one more day to live; What do you do with the one day you have left? You are certainly upset that you have one day left and cannot think about the future because there is no future anymore. You may think about the past, and how you got here. Are you satisfied with your past? Did you live your life the way you liked it?

At that time, you don't care about a house, car, or many other things, you don't think about salary and many other things lose their importance. There is probably only one question left to ask yourself:

Did I live well?

You may have many questions, but the source of all of them is the previous question. You may ask yourself: Did I feel happiness in my life? Did I manage to be a good person? Was I good for people? How successful have I been in my work? With hundreds of other questions, the answer to which is usually all due to the answer to this question: Did I live well?

So instead of approaching the last day of our lives and then asking ourselves if we lived well, it is better to ask ourselves this question now because answering this question can change our lives and can give meaning to our lives.

The importance of purpose in life

When we understand the meaning of life, we realize that we have many things to do. We may have many demands to meet, and even money and wealth can be part of that because we don't like to say at the end of our lives that we couldn't choose a good career, couldn't set good goals, and always lived in poverty. The point is that we have a lot of work to do, but our time is limited and we will not live forever to achieve all our desires, so what should we do?

First, we must choose the desires that are most valuable and worth our time. Second, in achieving those desires we must truly enjoy. This is where the importance of goals in life becomes emphasized, this is where setting goals becomes important and we must learn the skills of setting goals and achieving them.

We only have the opportunity to live once, so the most important goal of our lives should be to live well and enjoy our lives. To do this, we must redefine life for ourselves and then create a life that we like and deserve, and in the process learn the most important skills we need, namely the skill of setting goals and achieving them. Also, we must remember that living without purpose has no consequence other than exhaustion.

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