Dr. Anil Sarija, a professor in the Cardiovascular department of “Dr. Sowat Gonsal” university said that drinking coffee can help reduce vascular diseases greatly.
According to this professor, coffee is one of the beverages that we can drink daily and it helps protect our hearts but we do not use it properly and we cannot stop drinking it either: “Coffee can prevent some of the vascular diseases and decrease the potential of any problem that might happen for the vascular system.”
Dr. Sarija emphasized the high amount of antioxidants in coffee which can have positive effects on people’s health. He also said: despite all the positive effects of coffee, overdrinking it can harm the body.
Drink two cups of coffee daily
Dr. Anil pointed out that drinking two to four cups of coffee a day is beneficial but if you drink more than six cups it will be harmful. He also said: one of the most common questions asked of cardiovascular professors is what are the effects of coffee on human health? The answer is that since coffee has more than 1000 biological components, it is a good idea to drink about two to four cups a day.
Dr. Anil pointed out that coffee has historically been used to cure wounds and diarrhea and other diseases such as heart rheumatism and kidney stones. Dr. Anil also said that some of the components in coffee make the vessels widen so heart diseases that cause heart attacks or strokes can decrease greatly after drinking coffee. However, there are 500 milligrams of caffeine in 4 to 5 cups of coffee which can help with cardiovascular diseases and it has positive effects on people’s cardiovascular health.
Overdrinking coffee is harmful
Dr. Sarija also talked about the negative effects of coffee on cardiovascular health and he said that the prescribed amount of coffee that is beneficial is different due to the environment in which people are living. It is important that we should not drink more than 300 to 400 milligrams of caffeine.