Energy and Energy Geography in South Kurdistan

Energy is the capacity needed in a certain amount to perform a task that can be available in people, raw materials, equipment, food, sunlight, wind, and many other resources.

History of energy consumption

*The name energy geography was first used in France in the early second half of the last century and the 20th century.

Since the beginning of humanity, human beings have been able to use their body's strength and energy to perform an action. Until they were able to harness solar, wind, and water energy and later discovered new energy sources, including mineral sources.

First, human beings were able to discover coal, as a source of energy. Later, due to continuous human exploration and progress, new and better energy such as oil, natural gas, etc. were discovered, and new sources of energy were discovered gradually.

Energy is mainly divided into two types:

Renewable or sustainable energy

1. Renewable energy is the energy that comes from nature and is continuous and unlimited such as the sun, wind, water, heat in the earth's core, etc.


Fossil energy

2. Fossil energy includes naturally occurring and exhaustible energies such as oil, coal, and natural gas.

The civilization of any country depends on the energy it has.

Fortunately, if we want to talk about energy production in Kurdistan, especially South Kurdistan, according to international standards, Kurdistan's geographical location is such that it can produce all kinds of energy such as:

1. Solar energy

2. Wind energy

3. Water energy

4. Oil energy

5. Natural gas energy

Renewable energies are infinite and can be used a lot, compared to polluting energies such as oil, coal, etc., which both pollute the environment and will finally end up.

In Kurdistan, polluting energy is relied on for domestic income and industrial revenues.

However, fortunately, several projects are under implementation and many others are being planned. The KRG plans to increase the production rate of electricity from clean energy, to determine a specific geography, from 20% to 47% within the next six years.

Solar energy, in terms of Kurdistan's geographical location, can be used to convert into electricity in most different parts of Kurdistan, even in the provinces. Fortunately, the foundation of several electricity generation projects has been commenced in Erbil, Duhok, and Suleimani provinces with a capacity of 131 kilowatts.

In terms of hydropower, several dams in Kurdistan are important sources of energy production, such as Dukan and Darbandikhan, which are used as the two main dams in Kurdistan.


The use of wind or geothermal energy is relatively weak in Kurdistan, but these unlimited resources can be used significantly in the near future to produce and save energy.

Of course, good efforts have been made to use wind energy, which requires a certain airspeed in order to generate electricity from wind.

That rate is 3.6 meters per second, which of course most of the different regions of Kurdistan are suitable for the production of electricity that can provide 4000-4500 MW/h, which is a lot of energy and unlimited if produced.

The geographical location of our country is such that we can take advantage of all the gifts of nature, whether in terms of energy, plants, mineral resources, weather, soil, water, geological structures, etc. These are the wealth that we won’t need energy, products, or anything foreign.

The availability of natural resources is an important basis for the development and strategy of any country, and our region is not deprived of these natural resources that play a great role in the national development, so far it has been very well used and become a good source of energy for consumers of this region, and if we can continue to use unlimited resources, we will not only produce energy for domestic needs but we also be able to export it to neighboring regions (such as southern Iraq, Syria, Kuwait ...) which will affect economic growth and increase national income and the establishment of trade on the one hand and the establishment of strong ties with the surrounding regions on the other.

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