(Double Standard) Western Media and Diplomatic Institutions and a Comparison Between Kurds and Israel

Hozan Rojhelat

At the same time as the Gaza war against Israel, Turkish forces have launched an unwanted and unintended war against the Kurds of the Western part of Kurdistan. There are several different points between Israel's war with the Hamas forces and the Turkish state's war with the forces of the Western part of Kurdistan: first, the Western part of Kurdistan forces have not had any attacks or confrontations with the Turkish forces. Second, the defense forces of the Western part of Kurdistan are based on their territory. Third, these forces have been the true representatives of the people of the western part of Kurdistan. Fourth, all the activities of these Kurdish forces from economic, political, and diplomatic activities, in the past few years or when the ISIS forces were invading this region and after deteriorating ISIS forces, have been accepted and even known as brave actions by the democratic countries of the world and they acknowledged it as a defensive aid defending the humanity. On the other hand, the West part of Kurdistan forces are a part of another independent country named Syria and they have nothing to do with Turkey.

However, when we read the analysis of the Israel-Hamas war, these points are eminent: first, Hamas forces are known as terrorist forces by most of the world's democratic states. Second, although these forces deny their being terrorists, they have not concealed their terrorist activities and proudly defend their actions. Third, they never lose an opportunity to interfere with the interests of Western countries, especially Israel. Fourth, Hamas forces have initiated this war.

In this way, we can talk about how the Hamas forces in this special war were responsible for being the initiator of the battle. Thus, comparing them to the western part of Kurdistan forces, we can see that they did not begin any war with the Turkish state or against their interests. Another point worth mentioning is that Hamas and Israel's state live in a country that does not have a clear fate. That is, neither Gaza nor the Palestinian part under the control of the "autonomic state of Palestine" are not independent of Israel but rather they are two autonomic parts in a country called Israel. We can even justify this as a situation in which the autonomic part of a country has conducted terrorist action and inhumane activities against the independent part of that country and the independent part has the right to defend its interests and react to these terrorist attacks. However, neither the first nor the second condition in which a war has been begun against Turkey is not true.

What I want to discuss in this article is why the democratic countries' reactions at the same time for these two similar events are so different. Most of the democratic countries of the world like the US, France, Germany, Italy, Britain, and many other countries not only have condemned Hamas attacks on Israel but also have declared they are ready to offer Israel their logistic, economic, and political help.

All the media around the world have zoomed their attention on the war conditions in Israel. Obviously, all the media around the world do not represent the same subject in the same way. A part of the Arabic and Islamic countries' media has focused on the "Gaza" section and they are defending this war and crime that Israel has created in this region. Most of the Western media like CNN, BBC, Reuters, VOA, Associated Press, and many other media have focused their attention on the Arab-Israel war and they publish their news, images, and videos in defense of Israel and against the Arabic party.

In the meantime, in the field of diplomacy, strong diplomacy is about to be active. US-led and Western European-led forces have held meetings at the UN since the early days of the war to condemn Hamas's terrorist attacks and to discuss the possibility of aiding Israel. From the very first days, the US has sent large aircraft carriers carrying five thousand armed soldiers to the Gaza coast. All these clarify a fact for us; Hamas Israel war is happening in front of the whole world's eyes. This article does not aim to support any party in this war.

The aim is to say that there is a war going on in Gaza too that is not fair and none of the evil aspects of it can be hidden. The media, whether supporting the Arabs or the Israelis, are once again showing the world all the dark aspects of war. The political leaders of the countries like European Union, the US, and NATO forces are preparing and holding meetings to protect Israel's interests. On the other hand, the Arab countries, the Arab Union, and Muslim countries are preparing and managing meetings to protect Hamas's interests.

During this war, what is forgotten is a piece of land in this world that is being bombarded and war crimes are happening there without being noticed by any country. The religious and educational buildings of this land are being ruined, however, none of the Arabic or European media are reporting any news about it which means forgetting a war that Turkey has imposed on the Kurds.

If the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) played a role in stirring up the Turkish state, why the Turkish state does not directly confront the PKK forces and target the civilian population of the Western part of Kurdistan? Apart from all these issues, Turkey's main provocations aside, the civilians of the Western part of Kurdistan are being victims of this war just like the civilians of Gaza who are the main victims of Hamas Israel unfair war. Those who are killed are the fighters who years before were praised by all the democratic forces of the world because of their bravery and ability to face and confront the most vicious war and hardship that engulfed the Middle East; a war that was caused by ISIS forces. How is it that the democratic countries of the world are silent now about the genocide that is happening in the Western part of Kurdistan? The Western countries of the world not only can condemn PKK's wrong behaviors but they also can reveal Turkey's imposed war on the western part of Kurdistan and protect the interest of those who once restored honor to the Middle East.

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