Kurds, Weddings, Camping

As soon as I have an opportunity, I will escape the house. I still have not left when my sister says: "buy two chickens and an orange coca kola for dinner." Rasoulo Papouko, the smallest member of the family is the family's dog.

Rasoul Bafeyi

Like any other Kurdish family, we have weddings, too. You all know how Kurdish weddings are held. Our marriage ceremony begins with a quarrel. Although we invited everyone including all the sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, and … they still are not satisfied with us.

Before the wedding begins, the relatives come in, they start camping as if it is the Munzour river bank. They all have baggage and are looking for a place to put their baggage there. After they find a place, they start greeting and talking about the trip they had, their neighbors, their work, and their duties in that country.

- Why didn't Haji come?

- The poor man could not find a job.

- Is he still visiting the building projects?

- What can we do? There is nothing else to do.

After greetings, everyone sits down and begins:

Wait for my nephew.

Please have a seat.

Don't touch that honey …

I feel more anxious, I breathe hard and I lose my mind. Because one kid is touching my computer, another is picking up my books, another kid breaks my pencil and draws pictures on the wall, yet another is pouring water (this summer water is scarce in our town, we even have produced a short film about water) and finally, another kid breaks my heart. Since children are sweet, I cannot get angry with them. When I catch them, I kiss them but it is a sad kiss.

I am looking for a quiet place. Our house is very big but there is no place for me to get some rest. Let it go, I cannot talk to my lover. I message her: "Honey, I have guests, sweetie I am not in a good place right now; sweetheart I'm cooking". This way I make my lover feel happy but she is in my mind. In fact, I have not had a girlfriend for the past one hundred and twenty-four years.

As soon as I have an opportunity, I will escape the house. I still have not left when my sister says: "buy two chickens and an orange coca kola for dinner." Rasoulo Papouko, the smallest member of the family is the family's dog. There is actually someone who is younger than me, but he is also very useless. My uncle always says: when you need to do something, give it to Rasoul, because he has nothing else to do.

My sister puts twenty kilograms of tomato in this basket (it is strange why they call it foreign or Istanbuli, I would like to call it Bafeyi; why should not Kurds claim it to be their local vegetable?) with twenty kilograms of eggplant and some pepper, then they put them in the gusts room. They all sit there to make winter pickles together. One might think this is madness even in my house. They all are occupied with their duties meanwhile they talk. One says I will put on my red dress, someone else says I will put on my green dress. They all talk together. They all understand each other and they all feed their children.

My sister is eating a tomato, and as she bites it, the tomato juice drops onto her white T-shirt. It is no longer white, it is red. This T-shirt will not clean up. I am looking for my socks. I cannot find one of them. I said loudly: "One of my socks is lost, it is black with green strips on it, if anyone finds it I would appreciate them bringing it to me." Nobody answers but one of them asks:

Dearest Rasoul, when will you marry?

The day we are liberated.

They all laugh at my words. They made fun of me. One of them patted my head with her wet hands. I do not need to wait any longer. I left the house with only one sock. I have not gone to any weddings since that day and strangely enough, nobody asks me: "When will you marry, Rasoul? What did you say? You have never got married?"


A Brief Article about "Khate Khanim" Novel by Ali Abdul Rahman

Aras Hasso

The Kurdish Poet Who Changed the Form and Content of Persian Poetry

Peshawa Kurdistani

Historical and Cultural Geography of Kurds in "Hamdi's" Poems

Dr. Azad Mukri

A Word on Mother's Language Day

In order to preserve and support the variety of languages and encouraging education in multiple languages, also for raising awareness of the people on language and culture based on mutual understanding and forgiving and having a dialogue between them, the UNESCO organization chose January 21 as the World's Mother Language Day in 1999 in their 30th general conference. This article is presented to honor this day.

Dr. Ebrahim Younesi and the Kurds' Issue and the Margins of Persian Culture

Younesi has written 12 novels during his lifetime, all of which deal with the Kurds issue and the Kurdish struggle for their rights. Therefore, Persian critics in the field of fiction have paid no attention to the fiction works of Ibrahim Younesi.

"Self-Accusation" in Hemn's Poems

One of Hemn's poems, which is the peak of being unhappy with his nation, is the poem "Sweet Memory". The poem begins with a few verses that make the reader feel that he is in love with the eyes and face of a Kurdish girl, but it is not.

Hawar Owns a Golden Age

On May 15, 1932, a major step was taken for Kurdish language and literature. Hawar began to be published under the leadership of Jaladat Ali Badr Khan. He created something unprecedented in his pages and opened a new chapter in Kurdish history and destiny.

The Relationship between Nari, the Poet, and "Sheikh Mahmoud Malik"

The relationship and friendship between "Nari" and "Malik Mahmoud" were so intimate that they used to send letters written in poems to each other. Their friendship reached a level that Sheikh's sons like "Sheikh Raouf", "Sheikh Latif", "Sheikh Baba Ali" and "Sheikh Ahmad" were also friends with Nari.

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