Rezan Dilzhan Received the 10th Arjan Ari Poetry Prize

Every year on May 5, Kurdish Language Day, the Arjan Ari Poetry Prize is announced and this year, Rezan Dilzhan won the prize with his work called Deftari Qatayi.

Kurdshop - Every year on May 5, Kurdish Language Day, the Arjan Ari Poetry Prize is announced and this year, Rezan Dilzhan won the prize with his work called Deftari Qatayi.

This year's selection included Irfan Amida, Lal Lalash, Zahir Kayan, Najla Ari, and Yahya Omari, who also received the Arjan Ari Poetry Prize in 2015.

Arjan Ari's family and Sor Publishing House said in a statement: “We congratulate him as the organizers of this competition and hope that Kurdish youth will be more productive in the field of Kurdish literature with their energy. We also ask Kurdish institutions to support this competition. We hope that this competition will incentivize young writers in Kurdish literature. We will improve Kurdish literature with the youth to a much higher and more advanced level.”

Garo Paylan was also awarded an honorary award

Garo Paylan, who is Armenian and has been working politically among the Kurds for many years, was honored and awarded for his works.

"Mr. Paylan has been active in the field of Kurdish identity and position for many years and has done important work in the political field to achieve equality and brotherhood among nations," Arjan Ari's family and Sor Publishing House said in a statement.

The place and date of the award will be announced in the future.

Who is Rezan Diljzhan?

Rezan Dilzhan was born in 2000 in Batman. He is currently a dental student in Van.

His poems, stories, translations, and writings have been published in magazines and websites such as Nawbahar, Dlop, Bar Halbast, Kurdachirok, and Chandnama.


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