Games in the Culture of Kobani

Evin Tayfur

The most discussed topic among children and children's literature is "children's games". Although reading stories to children is one of the main points for developing their thoughts, ways, and life experiences in the future, the game is one of the first activities that children start life and continue until the end of childhood. It develops both their physical and mental levels. All over the world, games make children happy, interested, and want to spend all their time playing.

A game is an activity that people, especially children, do to make themselves happy. The game is a free activity. People do it of their own free will and end it. Playing with objects or people helps children develop intelligence, imagination, and ideas. In addition to street games, there are many other games that children play with their parents or alone. In other words, parents bring the games to their children to develop their children's intelligence. Such as games: "scatter cards and puzzle games" and so on. On this, Mohammad Marwan describes the importance of games for children as follows: “Games raise children's personality awareness and self-confidence, improve their physical and mental health, and create and develop new skills” (Mohammad Marwan)., 2018, The Importance of Games for Children). Games give children an opportunity to get to know the universe, society, animals, people, and children around them.

A child likes to play from the beginning of life when they can start moving. From the beginning, they play with normal movements and simple toys that their parents bring them and are always happy, and their physical and mental levels are developing. Then, after the child gets to their feet, they play with and love whatever they see in front of them. They also like to play with everything they see in the house. The child plays with dishes and household equipment for a long time and gets to know them all.

So, in general, we can say that people start their lives with games, and through them, they learn all the experiences and thoughts of their lives. Communities invented games for themselves and their children and enjoyed their time according to their culture, environment, and life opportunities. After the development of technology, many different games have been created, some of which are useful for children and adults, and some of which are like physical illnesses and have many negative effects on the users. However, here we will talk more about the cultural games of Kurdish society, especially the region of "Kobani", where each age group invented and performed several special games for themselves and enjoyed their time and life.

Technology was lagging in Kurdish society for some time, but Kurdish lifestyles and consciousness were always ahead and they, like other nations of the world, created some games according to their opportunities, environment, and tools. In this article, we will discuss the games of Kurdish society according to the culture of Kobani, introduce their names, and describe them according to their characteristics.

Here are the names of the games that have been played in Kobani:




Sanam and Taslim


Hah Marah















Sisise Mimime


Shti u dz



Mamk (House)


Yaklo dlo


To be continued ...

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