Women Jewelry in Mokeryan - Part 1

Leila Nourani



It is a kind of hat with two little parts at the sides and it is made of different parts including Kochka, Bandoka, and Kilka Kochka.

Bilbasy Kocka

It is the oldest kind of Kochka which was very high.

Kilka Kochka

This part is as wide as two to three inches and it is sewn to the back of the hat. It was made of a black fabric and they decorated it with some special kinds of threads. It was as long as the skirt part of the dress. In the past, they made it in a way to keep money in it.


It is a tape-like yarn as long as two meters and a half. There are two pompom-like balls sewed to each end. The balls are as large as 15 centimeters and they are made of silk threads. Bandoka is a part of the Kochka (hat) and it is used to make the hat stay in place. It is tied from one ear to the other under the chin and it is sewn to the pompoms on the two sides of the ears. The pompoms stay in place close to the knees and the waist.

One side of the Bandoka was fixed on the shoulder, and on the other side, they sewed large silk pompoms decorated with red and blue Shilans (a kind of sequin). They also used to sew ordinary coins or even silver and gold coins to them and to the back of the hat another silk pompom was sewn and the long part of Bandoka was tied to a ring that was on the back of the hat. They used to put on Charoka (a kind of cloak) over it and keep it in place with pins. From the front part, they fixed Larzana to it. Bandoka was kept in place with some rings from the sides.

Note: Kochka and Charoka were particularly worn in the Mangur region.

The Jewelries of Kochka:


A set of pins for the back of the head, rings, and earing particular to Kochka. These were made of gold, silver, or Warsaw.


It is a kind of pin that is very fine without a hole and they were colorful. They were used to pin Charoka and Kochka.

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