Modern Culture and Modern Authority

Shaho Hosseini

For more than a century, the struggle for freedom and economic, social, and political development of the society has begun in the Middle East but what continues to be produced is economic, political, and social hegemony and the Middle East has not seen progress but rather regressed. If this situation is not considered precisely, it cannot be described or solved. Undoubtedly, what can be seen as economic, political, and cultural progress in the Western world is the result of the Industrial Revolution. The emergence of modern economic ideas, and enlightenment in a way that creates an intellectual and cognitive background to make people develop and create modern humans through educating them based on intellectuality and modern ideas and moving on from the morality, cultural, and traditional world.

Modern Culture

Modern does not mean being new in appearance which means escaping from certain traditions such as the established and sacred truth that has subjugated people turning them into obedient men without any determination but rather making them step towards independence turning men into subjects and above all these the pluralism of the truth, viewpoints, subjects, the basics of reaching modern wishes, and political, economic and cultural development. That is, at first, values, norms, and cultures are renewed then this renewal can be seen in the destruction of the life appearance and surrounding world of humans especially it can be seen in people's societies.

The Industrial Revolution resulted in industrial development. It transfers the people's lives from villages to the cities as a center out of the mental, cultural, life appearance and traditional authority, people's relationship based on their blood and genetic relations changes into professional, social classes and intellectual relationships. It means that people are thrown into professional relationships from their traditional connections. Thus, the traditional rings and obligations will be removed, and a new society that is different from the clans, tribes, and families will emerge and be known and identified as a nation. This new social form will create a new political system that will be identified as a new modern democratic government. In this way, alongside modernity as ideas and philosophical points, social, cultural, economic, and political modernity will also appear, and then all the building blocks of modernity will emerge.

The main theme of all of these frameworks and formats we know as modern, modernity, and renewal are human beings. It means that human beings will become the center of the world and life and all its norms, values, and laws that are produced to make people develop, enhance their lives, and serve humanity. Undoubtedly, all these are produced based on a modern culture that is a new viewpoint, intellectuality, and ideology that is about human beings.

Modern Authority

Modern authority not in its appearance form like culture but rather in its intellectual viewpoint is a production of people's turning back towards a new world and idea. In fact, the artificial human, obedient to the traditional environment becomes an independent person who can identify themselves, recreate themselves, and create an authority that will serve and develop the individual's world, an individual that has created it, while in a traditional world, the authority creates the individuals, their will and world, their thoughts. In such a world, power is above humans, environment, thoughts, and individuals.

On the contrary, in the modern world, the power is responsive to the individual and the protector of the individual and social world. Power will play its role based on the individuals' will and in a temporary form. It cannot govern the individuals. The modern form of government serves to protect the individuals and their world. How a modern authority appears is such that at first the individual's life and world will appear and then a mutual political world will create the power. The so-called modern world of the Middle East creates the government at first to modernize the individuals and their societies but as they gain power, they will use any tool to make their power permanent and oppress the individuals.

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