Halabja, a Name for History or a Wounded Identity

"Jews from disaster to the political entity and Kurds from disaster to disaster"

There have been many good and bad events in the history of the world's nations, some of which later became part of the identity of these nations because they remained in the memory of the people and influenced successive fronts of society. For instance, we can mention the massive events such as the massacre and killing of "Jews" in the project and operation "Auschwitz". The operation of the Hitler regime against the Jews had two different aspects, and the reactions in both cases were in favor of the Jews of the world. Globally, for the first time, there was global solidarity and support for the Jews. Therefore, even the powers thought that a people that had been so oppressed and planned to be cleansed and dangerous plans had been tested on them, should be saved from homelessness and statelessness, and the best way is to allocate a country for them and be supported. The perpetrators of the anti-human plots that committed atrocities against the Jews should also be punished. All of these discussions were additionally implemented by the countries that won the World War and the displaced Jews of the world voted to return to their promised land in the Middle East and establish the state of Israel. On the other hand, the guarantee of their survival in a geography full of their opponents was signed by the powers, and to this day, in the 21st century, Israel has regained its glory under the shadow of that guarantee. It has become one of the world's most famous forces in terms of weapons. It is known worldwide in the field of science and has successful scientists in various fields. For the truth of this, we can take a look at the winners of the Nobel Prizes to see how many Nobel Prizes have been won by a nation with such a small population, and how many prizes have been won by the Arab nation with such a large number of states.

The total number of Jews in the world is about fifteen million. So far, Jews have won 20 percent of the 900 Nobel Prizes. They have won 100 times more Nobel Prizes than any other religion. They have won the Nobel Prize 33 times in economics alone, while only six Arab Nobel laureates have been awarded.

Departing from this sub-discussion, we come to the local impact of the Auschwitz tragedy. That is, let us see what happened to the massacre of Jews within Jewish society. Did the project and operation cause them to panic and hide and clear the geographical map? Did they become attached to one of the countries in the region or become a part of a world power? Or the course of events shows us otherwise.

First of all, after those events happened to them, the Jews scattered all over the world found a reason to be together again. They were disasters. That is, Jews, scholars and illiterate, rich and poor, communists and liberals, etc., who had previously thought according to the situation in the countries in which they lived and had adopted their culture and way of life to some extent, came back. Disaster turned on a red light to make them feel in grave danger. The danger caused them to gather around one another and eventually return to the foothills of Mount Zion to reach what they had been wandering for years. The free country.

Furthermore, the Jews had learned something else from world experience: today's world is a free world, and it is only under the shadow of the culture that they have been able to achieve this identity. So, in such a world, in order to prove themselves to the world, they must, first of all, learn the laws of the free world, which became the base of a democracy that still exists inside Israel. However, these discussions are different from the behavior or the Arab-Israeli war and require another analysis and comment. The only purpose here was to see how a tragedy became an identity for a nation and brought them together; brought a kingdom to them and finally achieve their historical aspirations.

The question is why the thousands of tragedies that have happened to the Kurds, including the chemical attack on Halabja, could not play that role for the Kurds?

Or we can ask the question: Did Halabja play such an influential role in Kurdish social and political identity? The answer, whether yes or no, requires a brief analysis.

After the Halabja tragedy, for whatever reason, more than 5000 Kurds were martyred in the worst way and hundreds of thousands of Kurds were displaced to neighboring countries. At the international level, like any other major humanitarian disaster, there were reactions, but the reactions were not as serious as the crimes and genocide committed against the Kurds. In his book "Failed States", Noam Chomsky describes how Saddam defied international law and that is what made him isolated. However, because relations with the West were not yet completely cut off, European countries sympathized with the Kurds to some extent and the countries of the region tried to alleviate the suffering of the victims. Most of the responsibility was of the people of East Kurdistan and to some extent the help of the government organizations.

However, if we ignore these, we must mention that it was for the first time after the series of massacres that a law on the Kurds was passed at the United Nations, and the orbit of thirty-six degrees was determined, and it caused fewer attacks on the Kurds. If we briefly go over the events after the Halabja tragedy, we must say that after the tragedy, the Kurds of the south and their suffering became more known, and international forums and centers paid attention to them.

It was this tragedy, like Auschwitz, that brought the Kurdish people together, especially in the south and east, for nearly two decades. In other words, disaster played the role of the union, and hundreds and even thousands of literary, social, and political meetings were held to commemorate the victims of Halabja. However, within Kurdish politics, Halabja has not yet become part of Kurdish identity, and it is a dangerous alarm that forces Kurdish politicians to fully respect the spheres of the free world, despite differences of opinion and interests. Halabja should have become a symbol of unity and a unified country for the Kurds, not a region with two zones. What the Jews did is still the best political and social lesson for the Kurds and all oppressed nations on how to move from subjugation to domination and how to move from disaster to glory that will change the balance of regional and global powers with their presence or absence.

The issue of Halabja became a routine issue because it remained at the level of slogans and was not addressed, while the symbol should have been constantly revived as a Kurdish political symbol, domestically and internationally. Halabja region and Halabja province should have been made one of the purposes of “political tourism”. In today's world, tourism is not only a source of income for the economy but also a gateway to history and identity. Which foreign leader and tourist would go to Israel and not visit the Western Wall (Nudba)? Similarly, Halabja should have been so urban and prosperous to become one of the poles of political tourism in the entire Middle East. Unfortunately, we cannot achieve this great political and social goal by erecting a monument alone.

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